Preserving Nature in Your Home Design


For those few lucky humans in an urban city who have bought land and are ready to build their dream home on it, here are some things you should consider if you are already not doing so.



Living completely green is a goal, at the end of the day not everything we do is 100% green happy but we do everything in our power to do as much of it.  


We are here sharing insight for those building or renovating a home to include what their land already has in their design. Your aesthetic eye will thank you for it, so will your health and the environment. Basically, everyone will be thankful! 


This concrete jungle does no bueno for us so letโ€™s think of ways to enhance our homes especially ones that are being newly built:


๐Ÿ™’ Consider what your land already has, does it have a tree? Keep it. Donโ€™t cut it down. Preserve it for a nature-inspired design. Your architect will know how to incorporate existing trees in the design of your home. Having the trees be part of your home brings the outdoors to the indoors, preserves greenery, and enhances the aesthetics of your home as well as its air quality.

๐Ÿ™’ Consider having a roof garden. Having a roof garden has many benefits. As it converts CO2 emissions and harvests rainwater, you have organic fruits and vegetables grown in your own home that you can make meals with as well as share with your family and friends. Believe it or not, it holds away the street noise and pollution while making your rooftop full of colour and Instagram ready.

 ๐Ÿ™’ If possible, plant a tree in your home. If it is a completely new home it will be easier but you can still do this while renovating. Make sure to include it from the beginning of your design process. You already know the benefits of doing this, no need for us to seem repetitive.

๐Ÿ™’ Use solar panels. It is a source of renewable energy, a gift from nature to humanity. They will generate electrons when exposed to sunlight, which helps produce the flow of electricity for your home. The best part is that solar panels donโ€™t release fumes and donโ€™t have greenhouse gases or carbon emissions.

We believe the greener you go, the better quality life you have and you make a difference in the environment and the world all together. 

We think our inspiration for this blog comes directly from our virtual visit to Azulik; we initially thought it was only coming from our desire of living green, I guess not. A mix of both it is!